Scramble Strategy, Student Cooperation AbilityAbstract
The purpose of this research is to determine (1) the cooperation ability of grade II students of SD Negeri 0507 Latong. (2) Scramble strategy in improving cooperation between grade II students of SD Negeri 0507 Latong. The type of research used is Classroom Action Research (PTK) which consists of 2 cycles where each cycle consists of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. This research was carried out in grade II SD Negeri 0507 Latong, The source of data in this study was divided into two, namely (1) primary data, namely grade II students of SD Negeri 0507 Latong, (2) secondary data, namely grade II teachers of SD Negeri 0507 Latong. Data collection techniques in this study were obtained through observation, written tests and documentation. Data analysis techniques in this study are qualitative data analysis techniques. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded through the pretest that the cooperation ability of grade II students of SD Negeri 0507 Latong is still low There were 7 students or 17.95% in the "Very Good" category, 8 students or 20.51% in the "Good" category, 22 students or 56.41% in the "Good Enough" category, 1 student or 2.56% in the "Poor" category, 1 student or 2.56% in the "Not Good" category. After the implementation of the scramble strategy in improving the cooperation ability of grade II students of SD Negeri 0507 Latong In cycle 1 the ability of cooperation has begun to increase there are 15 students or 38.46% in the "very good" category, 16 students or 41.03% in the "good" category, 8 students or 20.51% in the "good enough" category, there are no students in the "not good" category, there are no students in the "not good" category and in cycle II the ability of student cooperation with the scramble strategy has increased by 26 students or 66, 67% of the category is "very good", 13 students or 33.33% of the category is "good", there are no students of the "good enough" category, there are no students of the "less good" category, no students of the "not good" category.
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